The traditional festival renews from June 25th to July 3rd to celebrate the summer solstice  

On Saturday, June 25th the Romantic Night of the Most Beautiful Villages in Italy invites all lovers in the San Valentine’s land, on the banks of Piediluco Lake, between enchantment and suggestion.

History, tradition, sport and open air entertainment make Festa delle Acque in Piediluco a unique occasion of vacation in touch with the uncontaminated nature, rewarded also with the quality brand EDEN European Destinations of ExcelleNce.
On Saturday, June 25th it will be the Magic Night of the Most Beautiful Villages in Italy who will inaugurate the 2016 edition of the della Festa delle Acque di Piediluco, on stage till July 3rd on th e banks of Lake, managed by Proloco di Piediluco in cooperation with, Mind Srl, thanks to the grant of Comune di Terni and Camera di Commercio di Terni, the sponsorship of the Regione Umbria and the support from Coni and The Most Beautiful Villages in Italy. The festival is promoted also by the Eeuropean quality brand EDEN, European Destinations of ExcelleNce for a sustainable tourism.